Is creatlach é Jeffrey. Bhí a bhreithlá ann le déanaí. Tá sé 252 bliana d’aois anois. Bhí féasta againn sa rang do Jeffrey agus a cháirde; Nibbler an damhán alla agus Vlad an vaimpír.
Dear Parents, please see the Department of Education letter to parents on the use of antigen tests in Primary schools. DoE letter to Parents re Antigen Testing 25.11.2021 EV
Physical Education Physical Education has always been a very important part of the curriculum at Nicker NS and we have a long history of participation in games, athletics, gymnastics and aquatics in school and in competition. With the onset of […]
Off to the GAA field for training! Partnerships with local clubs and friends from further afield have been instrumental in helping us to enhance and develop our physical education and physical activity provision. We liaise each year with […]