1st May 2019

Sincere thanks to Annette Stokes for taking the time to bring Woolly to see us all!! The visit made for a very eventful afternoon!!

1st May 2019

At the moment, we are enjoying putting our Discover Primary Science Application together.  We are looking back at all the fun Science Activities we enjoyed during the school year, so far.  Here, we are investigating Energy and Forces.  First, we […]

4th Apr 2019

Well done to our wonderful Fifth and Sixth Class boys and girls who received the sacrament of Confirmation today and to their friends and classmates who supported them, by singing and playing music.

4th Apr 2019

Delighted to welcome Rob, our Green Schools’ visitor today. He was very impressed with the wonderful work carried out by all classes.

22nd Mar 2019

Green Schools’ Newsletter In September 2017, we began working towards our second green flag, on the topic of Energy, while continuing the great work we had already completed in achieving our flag for Litter and Waste. Green Schools’Committee Since 2017, […]

20th Mar 2019

Have our efforts made a difference? Have we really saved energy? Watch this space to find out!

20th Mar 2019

Ms. Hourigans class busy planting seeds!

19th Mar 2019

Thanks to the Stokes family who brought in some gorgeous ducklings on Friday!