Category Archives: Ms English
Green Schools’ Activities, hurling, an indoor hurling blitz, Art, Jake’s Shop, Health Promoting Schools’ Activities, St. Brigid’s Day, St. Valentine’s Day…..just a few of the many activities we’ve enjoyed so far this term…and it’s far from over, so let the […]
Tá Seachtain na Gaeilge buailte linn! Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig! Labhraímís Gaeilge le chéile!
Third and Fourth Class research and present their projects on New Year customs around the world.
Bhí Seó Faisean Geimhridh ag Rang a Trí agus Rang a Ceathair. Is cuma linn faoin sioc agus sneachta!
Third and Fourth Class relaxing and enjoying some quiet time and meditation.
Third and Fourth Class artists appreciating the work of Turner and producing some beautiful watercolours of their own.
“IMPROVE A YOUNG PERSON’S IRISH THROUGH FUN ACTIVITIES” Tugann Club Óg-Ógras deis do dhaoine óga taitneamh a bhaint as imeachtaí trí mheán na Gaeilge. An Óg-Ógras Club provides young people aged between 7 & 12 with an opportunity to […]