21st Mar 2022

Well done to Sixth Class who came up with our Green Code! It is reminding us to reduce our water use in school.  

21st Mar 2022

We read the electricity and water meters regularly to see how we were progressing!

21st Mar 2022

Planting some flowers for a nice bit of colour in our school environment.  

21st Mar 2022

Some of our Green School Poster Winners and their fantastic posters!

1st Jan 2022

Physical Activity through daily Active Movement Breaks Since we first started out on the long road to applying for our first Active Flag at Nicker NS, we have been building (almost unknown to ourselves), a very well established and by […]

29th Nov 2021

Physical Education Physical Education has always been a very important part of the curriculum at Nicker NS and we have a long history of participation in games, athletics, gymnastics and aquatics in school and in competition. With the onset of […]

29th Nov 2021

  Off to the GAA field for training!   Partnerships with local clubs and friends from further afield have been instrumental in helping us to enhance and develop our physical education and physical activity provision. We liaise each year with […]

22nd Nov 2021

As part of our Green Schools’ Project, some of our Fourth and Fifth Class are enjoying planting flowers and bulbs.  We have lots more to do so please watch this space for more photos!