Active School Flag

Celebrating Success

The children used Club, County or Country Day to bring in their medals and trophies and show their success outside of school in their various areas of sports and activities.    

What Clubs Are We In

February saw the arrival of a sea of colour to school as we decided to use our club, county or country colours to show visually What Clubs Are We In! The children gathered together in their jerseys with their flags, […]

Run AroundEurope

Run Around Europe kicked off today for the first day of the four week running challenge. Destination 1 is London so we have 477km to run to reach our goal. Some of our 1st and 2nd Class ASF committee members […]

Hurling and Camogie

In spite of a wet day last Friday, and an enforced postponement of our trip to the astro pitch, Ms. Fennelly took to the schoolyard with the older children to kick off this season’s hurling/camogie for our Games Strand which […]

Music on the Yard

What better way to get energised and bring a smile to everyone’s face than with a good dance on the yard to Christmas songs! The older girls taught the move to their favourite Snow is Falling to the rest of […]

Active Christmas Power Hour at Nicker NS

The Christmas spirit brought the desire to try something a little different with the Active Christmas Power Hour for our seasonal event at Nicker NS. The entire school was divided into small groups of 5 to 6 pupils and the […]

Fyffes Fit Squad Spring Movement Campaign 2024

Since returning to school this January, we have been making even bigger efforts to get moving during the day. With a seemingly unending supply of rain from the skies, what better way to get moving than with the indoor challenges […]

Walk on Wednesday for Green Schools and well-being

On Wednesday 14th Feb, the whole school gathered at the Community Centre in Pallasgreen in the early morning. The plan was to walk to school in an effort to raise awareness of the importance of green travel means, as well […]

Celebrating Achievements Outside of School

Orla, Saoirse, Saoirse and Kayla brought in their medals and trophies from Irish dancing to show to their friends! Well done on your achievements, girls! Saoirse, Abbie and Grace are dab hands at gymnastics. They brought their medals and trophies […]

Pupil voice in school leadership Active Flag

We are so fortunate at Nicker NS to have such enthusiastic and committed committee members, as well as a big group of experienced Playground Leaders. All of these children play their part in leading our activities and their positivity is […]

Map of School

Contact Us

Address: Nicker, Old Pallas, Co. Limerick

Phone: (061) 384 761
