Dear Parents,

Here is suggested work for this week. Please email any pictures of work to

Kind Regards,

Ms. Fitzgibbon.

Senior Infants


Reading–  If you are out of books, there are plenty of free ebooks on Look in the ebook library on this website.


       Phonics Workbook: (1 page daily)

Pg. 35,36,37,38,39


Writing Activities

  • Handwriting book
  • Write their “news” one / two days.
  • Shopping lists
  • Write a letter to a friend/grandparent/ cousin.
  • Free writing – let the child write on any topic of their choice.


Oral Language

  • Rainbow Oral Language book –pg. 64-67

For great online games and resources linked to this page, log into CJ Fallon website for free. Across the dashboard, select Senior Infants, English, Rainbow OL programme, OLP online interactives.


Figure it Out

Complete any pages not finished pg. 62,64,67,71,75

Pg. 71- The word “altogether” means that we add!

On page 71- It would be beneficial to “act out” the word problems using pieces of pasta/ lego/ any small material available.

For e.g.  Joe has 3 sweets – put a group of three pasta shells on the table

Anna has two – put a separate group of 2 pasta shells on the table

Put the two groups together to see how many they have “altogether”




Look at the video “Cén t-am é” This is a short clip from the Bua na Cainte programme

Listen to the clip a few times and ask your child to repeat the sentences. It may be helpful to practise counting to 12 a few times first. Try to learn the numbers by heart.

  1. a haon
  2. a dó
  3. a trí
  4. a ceathair
  5. a cúig
  6. a sé
  7. a seacht
  8. a hocht
  9. a naoi
  10. a deich
  11. a haon déag
  12. a dó dhéag

Practise asking “Cén t-am é?” (What time is it) and answering with “Tá sé  a _______ a chlog”



SESE- Sounds around us!   – This is a great video that explains what sound is in a very simple manner.

Can you find three things in your house that make a loud sound and three things that make a quiet sound. Make a list of what you find.

 First Class


  • Reading – If you’re out of books, there are plenty of free ebooks on
  • Just Phonics- pg. 85 – Dictation sentences (Call out these sentences slowly for your child. Let them sound out the words and try to do them by themselves at first. If they get any wrong go over the word, practice sounding out the letters of the word)
  1. I ran after the wolf.
  2. The boat hit the rock and sank.
  3. My ring is gold.
  4. The belt strap is long.
  5. I left the park to go to the shop.

Pg. 86 – Dictation sentences (Call out these sentences slowly, one at a time in the following order. Ask your child to write each sentence underneath the correct picture)

  1. The starfish and jellyfish are on the sand next to the bucket.
  2. The bucket is by the blanket and spade.
  3. The children fish with nets in the warm rockpool.
  4. The seaweed is next to the starfish and shell.

Pg. 87 & 88

  • Treasury- Read pg. 72-76
  • Rainbow Oral Language book –pg. 64-67

For great online games and resources linked to this page, log into CJ Fallon website for free. Across the dashboard, select Senior Infants, English, Rainbow OL programme, OLP online interactives.



Busy at Maths pg. 102, 103, 104, 105


Your child will be learning how to read data from a chart. Your child will need to know the language of data, column, row, chart, more than, less than, not as many.

Representing and interpreting data

Data can be organised in many ways in everyday life, from pictograms to bar charts, to bar graphs etc. In Senior Infants, your child was expected to represent and interpret data (information/objects etc.)  in two rows or columns. In First Class s/he is asked to represent and interpret data in four rows or columns. It is best to introduce your child to data using a range of objects that are familiar to him/her.


Making rows

Give your child up to 10 buttons/pasta shells/clothes pegs/ fridge magnets,etc. It is best to start with only two rows or columns and build up to four rows/ columns. Ask him/her to make a row of 7 buttons. Then ask him/her to place a row of 5 pasta shells directly underneath the buttons.

These rows should be in one-to-one correspondence (directly under each other). Your child should be able to see the pasta shells in the bottom row that correspond to the buttons in the top row. S/he should also be able to see that there are two extra buttons in the top row. You can ask questions like:

  • How many buttons are in the top row?
  • How many pasta shells are in the bottom row?
  • How many more items are in the top row than in the bottom row?
  • How many fewer items are in the bottom row than in the top row?

You can now ask your child to add a row or column of clothes pegs and ask similar type questions. Then add a row/column of fridge magnets and ask a variety of questions.

Note: Any small items you have can be used to make the rows or columns.



Look at the video “Cén t-am é” This is a short clip from the Bua na Cainte programme

Listen to the clip a few times and ask your child to repeat the sentences. It may be helpful to practise counting to 12 a few times first. Try to learn the numbers by heart.

  1. a haon
  2. a dó
  3. a trí
  4. a ceathair
  5. a cúig
  6. a sé
  7. a seacht
  8. a hocht
  9. a naoi
  10. a deich
  11. a haon déag
  12. a dó dhéag

Practise asking “Cén t-am é?” (What time is it) and answering with “Tá sé  a _______ a chlog”


SESE- Sounds around us!   – This is a great video that explains what sound is in a very simple manner.

Small World pg. 96 – Sound experiment (Make sure to complete with supervision of an adult).


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Address: Nicker, Old Pallas, Co. Limerick

Phone: (061) 384 761
