20th Apr 2020

Dia dhaoibh a Pháistí,

Tá súil agam go bhfuil sibh go maith. The Easter Holidays are over and we’re back online for more work. I hope you start again today to complete some of the work suggestions on the website. Ms English has wonderful ideas also so I invite you to choose from these also if you wish. This is a time when you have choice in your learning so if there’s something in particular you’d like to do, which isn’t on the list please feel free to do so as well. What’s important is that you are learning, reading, being active and developing/improving a skill(s). There’s no specific time frame. I know there’s a lot of work already online and if you’re still ploughing through some of that, that’s ok. I’m just making sure you’re not bored!

The Home School Hub has many nice suggestions which will suit 5th and 6th so the following should be completed.

Take a look at RTE.ie/learn 5th and 6th class

Science Lab: Look at and complete the Bouncing Balls Activity

Beautiful Bernouilli – this activity will remind you about air pressure which we covered in class. Perhaps you could complete this too.

The Disgestive System – Draw the diagram and label it in your copy. Write five facts about what you have learned.

Marie Curie: Read about her and write five facts about her work.

SPHE – (Social Personal health Information) – English version – read this and complete this ten minute meditation.

History – WWI

Scroll down to 5th and 6th class on the Home School Hub and find World War 1. There are some interesting videos there. Find some videos online also – it’s best to type in ‘World War 1 for Kids’ as this will show you content which is suitable and not too difficult.

Maths 5th and 6th class long Division (Uploaded to the Hub on April 6th) This is card game.

Art/Baking  ‘Birdseed Bread’ recipe. This was uploaded on April 3rd on the Hub (optional)

5th and 6th class Art uploaded on the Hub April 14th – carboard box activity making a Parisian House and it also teaches a little bit about France. (optional)

Geography: 5th class have covered France this year and 6th class covered France last year, however you might all begin a project on France. Use the following headings/ideas to get started. You can do this in your copy or on powerpoint/word document.

Map/|Flag/Population/Famous landmarks/sites/tourist spots/culture (cooking, artists, sport)/language/History (The French Revolution) Remember lots of pictures!

  1. Other Work not related to the Home School Hub which you can do:

Maths: Continue with ‘Master Your Maths’

Continue with Khan Academy

Continue with Studyladder

Library Book: Read every day for one hour.

Also Primary Planet: https://www.theprimaryplanet.ie/pptv/movies/mental-maths-4/

Activity: Super Troopers (Online activities) Go Noodle.


  1. Ceart litriú: Continue to complete
  2. Bun go Barr – continue with the online activities on cjfallon.ie
  3. ‘Cúla4 ar Scoil’ – TG4 10am every morning. Please watch this.
  4. Complete the following cloze test into your Irish Copy. Write the full in your copy not just the blanks.

Dia duit! Is mise ______. Tá mé aon/dhá bhliain _____ d’aois. Níl me __ _____, tá mé ___ bhaile. Níl aon ____ againn mar tá an virus Covid 19 ann. Níl aon scoil againn le cúig seachtaine agus níl a fhios againn cathain a mbeidh an scoil oscailte arís.

Sa bhaile gach lá bíonn mé ag léamh, ag féachaint __ ___ t_____, ag glanadh, ag bácáil, ag súg____ amuigh, ag siúl, ag rith, ag rothaíocht agus ag déanamh obair scoile. Feicim ar an Home ____ H____ freisin. Feicim ar Go Noodle freisin agus ar ‘Super Troopers’ chun bheith slán agus sláintiul!

|Buíochas le ____ tá an a_____ go maith. Tá an grian ag ________, níl sé fliuch agus níl sé f____. Ní fhaca mé mo cháirde le fada mar caithfidh mé fanacht sa bhaile agus gan dul thar dhá km ó mo theach.

Táim ag léamh anois. Anim mo leabhar is ea_______. Scríobh ______________ é. Tá sé go maith. Tá an Cásc thart agus tá mé ar ais ag ob____. Feicim ar nickerns.com chun m’obair bhaile a fháil agus tá a lán le déanamh agam.

Slán ___ fóill!

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Address: Nicker, Old Pallas, Co. Limerick

Phone: (061) 384 761

Email: nickerprimaryschool@gmail.com