Hello Rang 5 agus Rang 6.

Tá súil agam go bhfuil sibh go maith agus go bhfuil sibh slán sábháilte!

Below are more suggestions to keep you busy. I hope you’re having great fun exploring the wonderful sites which are available to you online during this time at home. I hope you’re enjoying baking, reading, playing music, listening to music, drawing/sketching, doing your super troopers activities, Go Noodle activies, helping at home and relaxing!

Don’t worry about books being completed, once you’re learning that’s all that matters.

Rang 5

Seo Leat: Go to cjfallon.ie – Gaeilge – Seo Leat 5 – Audio (listen to the first five stories)

Ceart Litriú: Continue from pg 60 – 66 (If you don’t have your book find it on CJFallon. Learn all the spellings –about 4 each night)

Sríobhneoireacht: (writing) Write ten sentences based on words from Ceartlitriú pages above. www.studyladder.com – Please find attached password for each child who would like to cover the suggested work which I have highlighted on this site.

RTE 11 am every morning: Watch this every day!

Listen to the news every day

Reading: The April Issue of Primary Planet is available on their website.

A) Read three articles of your choice.b)Do the maths section at the bottom of the page. Read the history section and write 6 facts about it.

Handwriting Book: Pg 9, 10, 11

Rang 6

Handwriting Book: Pg 9, 10, 11

Primary Planet: April issue online. See rang 5 above and complete same. Also feel free to take part in their competitions.

Bun go Barr: Read the first five stories from CJFallon site and enjoy some of the interactive tasks which accompany these stories. You have covered these in class so this is revision.

Ceartlitriú: Continue from pg 60 – 66. Learn all the spellings on these pages and write ten sentences using any of your spelling words.

Studyladder: www.studyladder.com
Please find attached password for each child who would like to cover the suggested work which I have highlighted on this site.

RTE 11 am every morning: Watch this every day!

Listen to the news every day

Writing: Diary entry about Covid 19. Talk about how you felt as you left school on March 12th. Write about the advantages and disadvantages for being at home. Mention what you enjoy about learning online, the different sites that you have enjoyed. What are the challenges, what do you find difficult? Is home schooling a good idea? And so on…

Master Your Maths: Continue

Khan academy: Continue

Busy at maths: If you wish to continue do so, if you find it tricky, you’ll still be learning lots from Khan Academy and cjfallon maths activities. Don’t forget to e mail the school with any concerns about anything and I can liaise with you through e mail.

5th and 6th class

Music https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-mu-18-the-carnival-of-the-animals-powerpoint.

This powerpoint explains the orchestral piece ‘The Carnival of the Animals’. The slides explain the different sections of the piece and you can listen to it on https://youtu.be/1L993HNAa8M

Write your answers in your music copy or English copy.

  • What is the name of the first piece?
  • Name any instruments you hear.
  • Can you hear a piano?
  • Can you hear the orchestra?
  • What is the second piece called?
  • What is piece no. 3 called?
  • What instrument is playing?
  • Piece no. 4 is a great contrast to the Wild Asses..This music represents slow moving animals – ___________.
  • The solo instrument heard in The elephant is The D______ B____.
  • True/false The larger the instrument the lower the sound?
  • Kangaroos – how does the piano sound here? Is the music smooth/jumpy/hoppy?
  • What is an aquarium?
  • Is the music loud/soft? What section of the orchestra can you hear? Strings/Wind/Brass?
  • The Cuckoo – describe the music
  • What is an aviary? What instrument or instruments can you hear in particular?
  • Pianists – what is the piano playing here? Have a guess!
  • Fossils – what are fossils? Look up the word in your dictionary or online. What instrument in particular can you hear? Look at the sheet with the instruments from The Carnival of the Animals on it to help you.
  • The Swan – write down five words to describe this piece. What instrument is playing the tune or melody?
  • In what family of instruments does the cello belong?
  • Is The Swan piece happy/sad/reflective?
  • What other instrument is in this piece?
  • Finale: Is this lively/slow/moderate speed/happy/sad/rhythmic/busy? Write down whichever words to think to describe the finale.

Listen to this piece a few times. You don’t have to answer all the questions in one go. Take as much time as you like to complete. Music is about listening, enjoying and thinking about what you hear so don’t worry about questions. The questions are to help you listen better!

Best of luck with all your work. Keep an eye on all websites mentioned on the school website –enjoy all these wonderful resources. Keep reading too. There is plenty of access to free books online.

Stay safe (fan sabháilte) and I’ll be in contact again soon.

Happy Easter!

Ms. Franklin

Map of School

Contact Us

Address: Nicker, Old Pallas, Co. Limerick

Phone: (061) 384 761

Email: nickerprimaryschool@gmail.com