We are so fortunate at Nicker NS to have such enthusiastic and committed committee members, as well as a big group of experienced Playground Leaders. All of these children play their part in leading our activities and their positivity is always so infectious – especially when it comes to the Macarena dance!!
Fridays are usually Playground Leader day – weather permitting. The Playground Leaders do the following in conjunction with Ms. Blackwell:
organise their activity
decide the class their activity is suitable for
gather the relevant equipment
do set-up
collect their class for their activity
split them into groups according to the equipment they have available to them
run the activity
move their group on after 12-15mins and welcome their second group
join in the dance to finish the session
tidy up all equipment
carry out rolling repairs
Our Active Schools Committee members are responsible for:
messaging around the school regarding current campaigns
making intercom annoucements for ASF reminders and facts
ensuring the smooth running of the Equipment Monitors timetable
consulting with regard to bigger ASF events such as seasonal holiday active days
hanging and completing active challenge posters for their classes