Dance has become very important in our school, both for exercise as well as entertainment. Here we see the children perform at the Ceili Mor on the 11th March where they did whole class Sean Nos, waltzing and even the favourites likes the Walls of Limerick and the Siege of Ennis. The 3rd Class also performed Shoe the Donkey at the Ceili Mor and also at the local Nursing Home St Anthony’s when we visited to entertain with singing and dancing on the 16th March.

Shoe the Donkey dancing at St. Anthony’s
Waltzing at the Ceili Mor
Parents dance a set at the Ceili Mor
Waltzing at school
Sean Nos performance by 1st and 2nd
Sean Nos performance by 5th and 6th
Practice Practice Practice

Map of School

Contact Us

Address: Nicker, Old Pallas, Co. Limerick

Phone: (061) 384 761
