Our class worked really hard over the past few weeks learning all about water on our planet. Some of the topics we looked at were: pollution, how rivers are formed, the Water Cycle, amazing sea creatures and we did an experiment in Science to demonstrate the workings of the Water Cycle. They did some painting to show the journey of a river and incorporated the Water Cycle into it. The experiment involved putting ice and food colouring into Ziploc bags and watching at intervals as the ice melted and some of the water turned to vapour and then condensation inside bags.
On Fun Friday at the end of April, the children all brought in their projects and presented them in Circle Time to their classmates. They were all very proud showing off the results of their work. We displayed them in the yard and all of the other classes and staff in the school called by to look at them and the children told them what they were based on.
We are looking forward to working on the theme of Darkness and Light in our solar System next!
Presenting our projects in Circle Time.
A picnic lunch whilst presenting in the yard for the other classes to visit (socially distanced)!
Pollution as a topic!
Amazing Sea Creature facts with an underwater scene.
A pirate ship which actually floated!
Scuba diving scene with real sea shells!
The tin foil octopus!!
Titanic and the lifeboats with a few survivors!
The Water Cycle experiments in action.
The builders in our class paid a lot of attention to the detail on the Titanic.
Sponge Bob Squarepants and Bikini Bottom make an appearance in this very innovative creation!
Great upcycling happening here with this boat!
Another beautiful underwater scene with amazing sea creatures!
The Journey of a River painted newspaper model.
Underwater sea creatures were a real favourite for this project.
A painting on canvas with lollipop stick boats!
Another boat being presented to the class.
Pollution in the ocean really caught the attention of this project.
The Blue Whale was the theme of this creation.
Titanic appeared again in the guise of cardboard and toilet roll holders in this remake of the ship.
Titanic is actually underwater in this representation.
Sometimes you just have to break for lunch in between presentations!
Art aprons on for the Water Cycle experiment with food colouring and ice.