26th May 2020

Dia Dhaoibh go léir,

Tá suil agam go bhfuil sibh go maith.

Most of you collected your books from the school last week and I hope having your books will help you to focus for the next month. It can be difficult to continue working but you’ll have your holidays very soon and the more you do now, the more prepared you will be for next year. Having said that, please don’t feel under any pressure to do everything. As all teachers have mentioned many times, this is the one time where there is great flexibility, we all know that some days are better than others so do what you can.

Please mind all your books, don’t discard any, we may decide to use some again next year even for a couple weeks when we go back in September hopefully. Older classes, please keep your folders with all your notes, poems, songs, tunes etc we will use them again.

Continue to go outside and stay fit. Vitamin D is very important and we get this from the sun so get plenty of fresh air. Some of you created some very interesting obstacle courses, many of you are walking, cycling, playing soccer and even climbing trees so keep it up but remember be careful!

Some of you are also being very creative – making homemade masks for family, friends and for our friends in the nursing home. Some of you are playing lots of music and learning tunes and songs online. Others are reading lots, baking and also doing the lovely art from the Hunt Museum booklet on the website. Many of you tune in to the Home school Hub and do some of the follow on activities on their site.

All teachers have lovely suggestions for you so keep an eye on all the classes and rob some of their ideas to keep your learning enjoyable.

Don’t forget to do your good deed every day. Be helpful, be kind, do what you’re told and be grateful! Mind your manners and do your best.

We’ll be in touch again soon.

Suggested work for this week.

‘Primary Planet’ (May) – pg 23 ‘Museums’. Read and write ten facts. Read the magazine. Complete the online pupil activities; ‘Newsflash’ – Complete the quiz online (pupil section)

Library Book – Continue reading and let me know what you’re reading when you e mail please.

My Spelling Workbook and Word Wise – continue

Studyladder – more maths have been uploaded. Your login is on my post from April 1st

Gaeilge: Ceart Litriú – 5th and 6th continue

Bun go Barr 6: Read Ceacht 20 pg 124, 125 –Cuairt ar an Uachtarán (You can listen to it on www.cjfallon.ie – 6th class Gaeilge Bun go Barr 6 audio – track 31

Food Dudes:You can find resources weekly on https://www.fooddudes.ie/food-dudes-fun-at-home/

5th and 6th – Write 20 sentences based on the following 20 phrases.

  1. Ag an deireadh seachtaine… = At the weekend…
  2. Ag deireadh an lae… = At the end of the day…
  3. Am lóin a bhí ann. = It was lunchtime.
  4. An chéad lá eile… = The next day…
  5. An deireadh seachtaine a bhí ann. = It was the weekend.
  6. An lá dar gcionn… = The following day…
  7. An mhaidin sin… = That morning…
  8. An oíche sin… = That night…
  9. An tráthnóna sin… = That evening…
  10. Ar aghaidh linn… = Off we went…
  11. Ar aghaidh leo go dtí an … = Off they went to the…
  12. Ar dtús… = At the beginning…
  13. Arís agus arís eile… = Over and over again…
  14. Bhain siad an-taitneamh as an lá. = They really enjoyed the day.
  15. Bhí an aimsir ar fheabhas. = The weather was wonderful.
  16. Bhí an aimsir go huafásach. = The weather was terrible.
  17. Bhí an ghrian go hard sa spéir. = The sun was high in the sky.
  18. Bhí an ghealach go hard sa spéir. = The moon was high in the sky.
  19. Bhí an tír faoi bhrat bán sneachta. = The country was covered in a sheet of snow.
  20. Bhí dath an bháis air/uirthi. = He/She was the colour of death.

Please don’t worry if you find anything difficult, do your best.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Bígí Slán,(be safe)

Ms. Franklin

Map of School

Contact Us

Address: Nicker, Old Pallas, Co. Limerick

Phone: (061) 384 761

Email: nickerprimaryschool@gmail.com