Dear Parents,

Here is suggested work for the coming week. Thank you to those who have been e-mailing photos of children’s work.  It is useful for me to hear how pupils are getting on when setting work for coming weeks so any feedback from parents is greatly appreciated.  Please send any work/ questions to It was great to met some of you last Friday. I hope the workbooks will be helpful over the next few weeks. I have outlined quite a bit of written work this week, but don’t feel pressure to get everything done with your child.


Kind Regards,

Ms. Fitzgibbon.

Senior Infants


  • Practise some reading. If you are out of books, there are plenty of free ebooks on Look in the ebook library on this website.



Phonics Workbook: (1 page daily)

Pg. 17 – Write the CVC words. Put finger on the dot and call out the sound at each dot before writing.

Pg. 18 -21


Writing Activities

  • Handwriting book
  • Write their “news” one / two days.
  • Shopping lists
  • Write a letter to a friend/grandparent/ cousin.
  • Free writing – let the child write on any topic of their choice.


Oral Language

Rainbow Oral Language book – pg. 24- 27

This book is all about enhancing children’s vocabulary. Spending a few minutes discussing the picture they see on pg. 24 and 25 is very beneficial.

Some sample vocabulary you could help your child to point out is: postman, post box, passport photo, queue, counter, postage fee, stamps, parcels, address, brochures,



Figure it Out– This is a supplementary maths book to the Busy at Maths, which you would be more familiar with. I would have been using it quite a bit the last few months of school for revision.  I mainly used it as an early finisher prior to school shutting, so some children may have pages outlined here finished already.  A page a day is plenty. Don’t feel under pressure to get all pages done.

Complete any pages not finished pgs. 13-20

Maths Games:

Making sets: Place a small number of objects that are normally around the house on the table. Ask your child to make a set (group) of 1 ,2 ,3 etc. objects.

Playdough numbers: Make the numerals 1 – 10 out of playdough.

What’s my number?: Trace a number  1-10 on your child’s back and ask him/her to guess the number. Reverse roles and have the child trace a number on your back!

Combining objects: Place two objects e.g. clothes pegs on the kitchen table, add five more, and ask “How many pegs had we at the start? How many more did we add to the set of two pegs? How many do we have altogether? This illustrates that 2 and 5 make 7



Look at the video “Cad atá I do mhála scoile?” This is a short clip from the Bua na Cainte programme.

Listen to the clip a few times and ask your child to repeat some of the sentences. Here’s a translation to help.  Practice asking and answering the question:

Cad atá i do mhála scoile? – What is in your schoolbag?

Tá ______ i mo mhála scoile- There is a  _______  in  my school bag

Cás peann luaidhe- pencil case

Leabhar- book

Cóipleabhar -copy book

Bosca lóin- lunch box

Scriosán- eraser

Bioróir- topper

Rialóir- ruler

An bhfuil siosúr I do mhála scoile? –  Is there a scissors in your bag?

Níl siosúr I mo mhala scoile. Tá siosúr ar an tseilf. –  There is not  a scissors in my school bag. There is a scissors on the shelf.

Criáin- crayons

Gliú- glue

Péint- paint

Scuab – brush




History- Myself and my Family

Explain to your child that your family is not just the people who live in your house, you also have extended family, your cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents.

Draw a picture of one, or more of your cousins, aunts, uncles or grandparents.

If your child likes they could try to draw their own simple family tree. – Here’s a video of a story about a girl who made a “family tree” including her Mom and Dad, Grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins.




 First Class


  •  Practise some reading – If you’re out of books, there are plenty of free ebooks on
  • Just Phonics- pg. 58, 59 (syllables – Your child needs to be able to divide words into syllables. They can practise clapping and counting out syllables in words e.g. but- ter- fly = 3 syllables
  • Treasury- Read pg. 42 & complete Pg. 43 based on it.       Pg.  44,45,46.
  • Oral Language- Rainbow Oral Language book – pg. 24- 27

This book is all about enhancing children’s vocabulary. Spending a few minutes discussing the picture they see on pg. 24 and 25 is very beneficial.

Some sample vocabulary you could help your child to point out is: postman, post box, passport photo, queue, counter, postage fee, stamps, parcels, address, brochures etc.



Busy at Maths pg. 137- 140.

Page 138 involves estimating and measuring how many spoonfuls of water fill e.g. a bowl / tea pot cup; children may need adult help for this page

Hands on Maths activities to support learning on “Capacity”

Over the coming days your child will be learning about capacity i.e. the measure of the amount of water etc. different containers can hold. Your child needs to understand the mathematical language associated with capacity- How much?, How much more water is needed?, full, empty, holds more, holds less, not as much, nearly as much, nearly full, nearly empty, up to the top/brim, litre, more/less than a litre, about a litre.

Which container holds more?

Give your child some containers of e.g. bottles, yogurt carton, cup, bowl, mug etc. ask him/her to arrange them in order of which holds the most/least. Ask them to tell you why they think the containers were arranged in that order. Ask them questions such as

Why did you put that bottle first?

Why do you think it holds more than that bottle?

Why do you think that bottle holds less than this one here?

Litre Scavenger Hunt

Send your child on the hunt for ½ household items that hold less than a litre, about a litre, and more than a litre. Point out the litre symbol on packaging.


Look at the video “Cad atá I do mhála scoile?” This is a short clip from the Bua na Cainte programme.

Listen to the clip a few times and ask your child to repeat some of the sentences. Practice asking and answering the question:

Cad atá i do mhála scoile? – What is in your schoolbag?

Tá ______ i mo mhála scoile- There is a  _______  in  my school bag

Cás peann luaidhe- pencil case

Leabhar- book

Cóipleabhar -copy book

Bosca lóin- lunch box

Scriosán- eraser

Bioróir- topper

Rialóir- ruler

An bhfuil siosúr I do mhála scoile? –  Is there a scissors in your bag?

Níl siosúr I mo mhala scoile. Tá siosúr ar an tseilf. –  There is not  a scissors in my school bag. There is a scissors on the shelf.

Criáin- crayons

Gliú- glue

Péint- paint

Scuab – brush

Draw your school bag with a few items in it. Fill in the blanks “Tá _______ i mo mhála scoile”

“Níl ______ i mo mhála scoile”



Smallworld pg. 80, 81. – Here’s a video of a story about a girl who made a “family tree” including her Mom and Dad, Grandparents.

Map of School

Contact Us

Address: Nicker, Old Pallas, Co. Limerick

Phone: (061) 384 761
