Dia dhaoibh,

I hope you all had an enjoyable long weekend. Thank you very much to anyone who has sent me on samples of work.  I hope feedback is motivating and helpful for your child.  You can send  samples of work on Wednesdays and Fridays to gfitzgibbonnickerns@gmail.com. If anyone is in need of any extra resources, or has any questions please get in touch also.

Here is work for the coming week.

Kind Regards,

Ms. Fitzgibbon.

Senior Infants



Writing Activities

  • Continue practising writing in the green writing copy. I know some children have finished their green copy. If this is the case try to keep a small amount of writing going with news/ another activity listed below.
  • Write their “news”- If needed, I would suggest having your child copy underneath one/ two sentences you have written, and then writing a sentence independently.
  • Shopping lists
  • Write a letter to a friend/grandparent/ cousin.
  • Free writing – let the child write on any topic of their choice.

Here’s a link to a story called “ Charlie the Firefighter’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf_ZD-1XykE

  • Ask your child to retell the story in their own words.
  • If you like you can ask questions such as these to check understanding of the story and practise some oral language skills!
      • Where did Tulip Class visit?
      • What does a firefighter do?
      • What did Charlie say that every firefighter needs the most?
      • Why do you think a firefighter needs a good team?
  • Draw a picture of what you would like to be when you grow up. Write a sentence explaining why.


Revising 2-D Shapes  

Your child needs to know the names of the four shapes- square rectangle, triangle, circle. They also need to know some of the language associated with those shapes – straight side, curved side, corner.

2-D shapes around us

Point out to your child some shapes around the house. Emphasise that we are only looking for the H

They should be able to point out the following properties of shapes.

Square– Four straight sides of equal length and four corners.

Rectangle- Four straight sides with opposite sides of equal length and four corners.

Circle- One curved side, no corners.

Triangle- Three straight sides, 3 corners.

2-D shape hunt

Set your child the task of finding objects in the house that are in the shape of a square, rectangle, circle and triangle. They can record their findings by drawing pictures of what they find  on a sheet divided into 4, with a section for each shape.

Make and Do

Have your child draw and cut out some 2-D shapes. To help them understand the relationship between 3-D and 2-D shapes, they can outline a 3-D shape on a page to draw a 2-D shape. E.g. tracing around a tin of beans (cylinder) to draw a circle.

They can see if they can use their cut out 2-D shapes to make a picture!

I have attached some worksheets on 2D shapes also.  senior infants maths worksheets 2D shapes



Look at the video on bia (food) as Gaeilge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgWASkuqkQo&t=85s

Work below is based on the video up as far as time 1:25

Repeat after Garfield

Is maith liom cáca milis (I like cake)

Is maith liom cáis ( I like cheese)

Is breá liom ceapaire (I love sandwiches)

Is breá liom mealbhacán uisce(watermelon)

Is aoibheann liom lasange (I love lasange)

Phrases to practise

Is maith liom (I like)

Is breá liom (I love)

Is aoibheann liom (I love)



Science Experiment

Heat passes from the warmer thing to the cooler thing, if there is a way for it to pass. Things like metals pass heat easily and therefore are not good insulators. Anything with lots of air pockets does not let heat through easily, so wool, bubble wrap, cotton wool etc. are good insulators. They neither let heat out or in, so they keep the warmer thing warm and the cooler thing cool!

See if you can slow an ice cube from melting! Wrap ice cubes in different materials such as newspaper, kitchen foil, bubble wrap and wait to see how long it takes for each cube to melt. They could compare these with an unwrapped ice cube.

 First Class


Continue with spelling booklet.

Spend a few minutes playing phonics games on one of the websites listed


Here’s a link to a story called  “ Charlie the Firefighter’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf_ZD-1XykE

Activity 1. Here’s some vocabulary from the story. Find the words in the story.  Put these words into a sentence:








Activity 2: Write answers to the following questions:

  1. What big news did Mr Clark tell Tulip Class?
  • they were going to visit the police station
  • they were going to visit the bus station
  • they were going to visit the fire station
  1. What did Medinah think Charlie the firefighter would be like?
  2. Write one of the things the children think a firefighter does.
  3. What did Charlie say that every firefighter needs the most?
  4. Complete this sentence: The best thing you can be is________________

a firefighter                    someone else                        yourself


Activity 3:

  • Draw a picture of what you would like to be when you grow up. Write a sentence explaining why.

Activity 4:

Write your own “Who am I” riddle about a person who helps us. E.g. a doctor, garda, nurse, postman, firefighter, vet, lifeguard. Here are some sentence starters to help.

I am _____________

I wear _____________

I work ____________

I also______________

I help______________




Continue with Master Your Maths.

I have included some extra worksheets if you need them also. 1st class maths worksheets 2D shapes


Revising 2-D Shapes  

Your child needs to know the names of the five shapes- square rectangle, triangle, circle and semi-circle. They also need to know some of the language associated with those shapes – straight side, curved side, corner.

2-D shapes around us

Point out to your child some shapes around the house. Emphasise that we are only looking for the H

They should be able to point out the following properties of shapes.

Square– Four straight sides of equal length and four corners.

Rectangle- Four straight sides with opposite sides of equal length and four corners.

Circle- One curved side, no corners.

Triangle- Three straight sides, 3 corners.

Semi-Circle- Half of a full circle. Two sides and no corners.

2-D shape hunt

Set your child the task of finding objects in the house that are in the shape of a square, rectangle, circle, triangle and semi-circle. They can record their findings by drawing pictures of what they find on a sheet divided into sections for each shape.

Make and Do

Have your child draw and cut out some 2-D shapes. To help them understand the relationship between 3-D and 2-D shapes, they can outline a 3-D shape on a page to draw a 2-D shape. E.g. tracing around a tin of beans (cylinder) to draw a circle.

They can see if they can use their cut out 2-D shapes to make a picture!



Look at the video on bia (food) as Gaeilge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgWASkuqkQo&t=85s

Work below is based on the video up as far as time 1:25

Draw and label:

cáca milis (cake)

cáis (cheese)

ceapaire (sandwich)

mealbhacán uisce(watermelon)

Phrases to practise

Is maith liom (I like)

Is breá liom (I love)

Is aoibheann liom (I love)



Heat passes from the warmer thing to the cooler thing, if there is a way for it to pass. Things like metals pass heat easily and therefore are not good insulators. Anything with lots of air pockets does not let heat through easily, so wool, bubble wrap, cotton wool etc. are good insulators. They neither let heat out or in, so they keep the warmer thing warm and the cooler thing cool!

See if you can slow an ice cube from melting! Wrap ice cubes in different materials such as newspaper, kitchen foil, bubble wrap, and wait to see how long it takes for each cube to melt. They could compare these with an unwrapped ice cube.



Map of School

Contact Us

Address: Nicker, Old Pallas, Co. Limerick

Phone: (061) 384 761

Email: nickerprimaryschool@gmail.com