Dia dhaoibh a pháistí agus a thuismitheoirí,
We hope you are all well and generally enjoying your time at home. Second class, we hope
you are not too disappointed that your First Holy Communion has been postponed presently.
We can still look forward to when it will safely take place, and we can celebrate your very
special day. It will be worth waiting for!
We have set up an email address for you to send work to us, or if you need any help with any
of your work please don’t hesitate to send on your questions. Some children have already done this and it’s brilliant to see all the great work that is being done at home.
The email is nickernsfarrellblackwell@gmail.com
We know you are all working at your own pace and doing the best you can, but it is important
to get some work done every week. If you send on two pieces of work on Wednesdays and
Fridays we would be delighted to see them.
You could send on-
Images of worksheets or pages from your Maths books, handwriting workbook etc.
Images of books read and your book reports
Images of drawings/art activities/Lego made/experiments (did you make slime etc.!)
A diary entry on a Word document
A Powerpoint you might have created when doing your project about your hero/an
animal/favourite place etc.
Screen shot of work completed online.
Image of maths tasks- weighing ingredients/shop/measuring/shape hunt etc.
Don’t forget there are plenty of other activities that help us learn, send on a picture of these
also- setting seeds/plants, baking, counting cattle on the farm, helping in the kitchen or
outside, treasure hunts/outdoor play, helping younger members of the family, mini beast hunt
in the garden, helping write the shopping list etc.
We really look forward to seeing your work and questions that you might have. Talk to you soon!
Ms. Farrell and Ms. Blackwell

Map of School

Contact Us

Address: Nicker, Old Pallas, Co. Limerick

Phone: (061) 384 761

Email: nickerprimaryschool@gmail.com